You Are Not Too Old To Get Fit!

Even if you are over 40 and you've tired more times than you want to count!

When you wake up is your first thought “how can I not screw up today?”  

You desperately want to understand and figure out what will work for you and how the hell can you stick with it.  

Do you feel like you are holding yourself back from giving you the same level of importance that you give your husband and your kids when it comes to doing something for your health?

You know what needs to be done, yet you keep coming up with excuse after excuse to not get it done. You want accountability and the best way to structure your health and fitness so that it works for you and your life. You are done running around with a chicken with your head cut off trying to create different meal plans and workout plans that just don’t work for you or your life especially in the long term.  


Oh yeah and I also need to figure out why I can't consistently stay the course?? 🙄 

“They” say trust the process, so that you can finally start to get some long-lasting results, but what the heck does “that” process look like? It takes time “they” say, but all you really want to do is embrace your body and love it as it.  

You want to have lots of days where you feel dynamic & full of power, and less days where you feel like you hummus and pretzel crisps washed down with a bottle of wine with a straw punched through the cork (no judgements😉). Ahh to finally feel confident that you are doing all the right things, so that you aren’t so you aren’t easily derailed and frustrated by your lack of willpower and disciple.  

What if you were finally able to base your weight-loss journey on sustainable practices that you actually enjoyed? What if you had a plan that accounted for your age, metabolism, and busy lifestyle? Sounds impossible, but it's not! With a little bit of know-how, you can create a weight-loss plan that works for you and your unique needs.  

What if you could work with a health coach for a fraction of the cost?  

For the past several years I’ve been coaching women online and they’ve been asking for an affordable way to work with me long term. If you're ready to finally lose the weight and keep it off, I invite you to sign up for my monthly group coaching membership.Together we can achieve your goals and finally get you gliding into your favorite pair of jeans while enjoying foods you love.

👂I’ve heard you love and clear 

Enter The Fit Girl Magic Society✨ 

Are you tired of feeling like you're not good enough? That no matter what you do, you'll never be skinny enough, fit enough, or attractive enough? Well, fret no more! Fit Girl Magic Society is here to help you achieve the body and life of your dreams!

Fit Girl Magic Society is founded on the belief that every woman is worthy of respect and love, no matter her size or shape. I know first hand that dieting and obsessing over our weight is not only unhealthy, but it's also incredibly damaging to your self-esteem. That's why I provide monthly action steps and tools to help you break free from the cycle of dieting and self-loathing.

The more I work with women, I find that what keeps you going and committed to their health is that feeling of accountability to one another, the connection to other women, the safe nature of the group and the shared commitment to step into your power and FINALLY stop dieting and start living!  

As you are reading this you might have already started to relax knowing that you can hit your goals.  

How does it work? 

✔️On the private site there will be worksheets to help drive home that month’s key learnings so that you really start to take action and apply it to your life. PS – that is how you actually make change – taking bold ass magic making ✨action!  

✔️Monthly group Zoom call that will help you keep on track, reduce your overwhelm and get support you with any specifics concerns so that you leave invigorated to smash your goals. I will be teaching or have a guest expert on one of our monthly themes while sharing a healthy strategy and/or mindset insights.

⭐️ Attending the calls LIVE, you'll be able to listen and learn as the other magic makers members in the group get coached in real time. Listening in is very helpful because it may provide you with ideas, tips or strategies that you never thought of before. It also helps you to see that you aren’t alone, that we all have issues big or small and that there is always a solution or a work around.  

⭐️ Why do you think Weight Watchers meetings are so popular, it’s not because people step on that damn scale it’s the community it’s being around other people who just “get it”? Ahhh.. no more hiding your angst about how you feel about your body, you are in a safe space, were we all “get it”.

All calls will be recorded, you can access the recordings and continue learning on your schedule. 

⭐️ The PRIVATE Facebook group is also a place for you to connect with other Magic Makers in the Fit Girl Magic Society community. No one gets left behind; we all grow together. I will be in there every day answering questions and giving feedback.  

⭐️ Over 20 Healthy Recipes (including plant based ones) with calories and macros AND monthly menu and shopping list 

⭐️ Monthly private podcast each month their is a monthly focus (nutrition, mindset, exercise and habits)

⭐️ Monthly Full Body workouts that can be done at home or at the gym. Workouts cater to all levels. Will take you about 60 minutes or less.

⭐️ Evaluate your support? Premium members receive a monthly 15-minute calls to keep you on track.

Who Fit Girl Magic Society Is for exactly? 

This is a lifestyle coaching program for you if you feel like you have been dieting for ages and are just DONE!! You are so OVER the fad diets because they were so unsustainable that you couldn’t keep your results going without feeling miserable.  

You know that you need to change your lifestyle because you are done hitting the reboot button. You are ready to stop coming up with excuses as to why you aren’t seeing the results you want to see. You need to be held accountable so that you can finally get the body you’ve wanted for so long.

You want to make health and fitness work for YOUR life. You are ready to see how by making small adjustments to your routines you’ll become consistent without stressing about being perfect.  

Are you ready to join the Fit Girl Magic Society?

If you're looking for a group of women who are ready to get shit done, try new things, and support each other on their journey, then look no further! The Fit Girl Magic Society is perfect for you.

We believe that supporting each other is the key to success, so we only accept members who are willing to help others reach their goals. In return, you'll receive motivation, inspiration, and accountability from me and your fellow members.

So what are you waiting for? Join the Fit Girl Magic Society today and let's get started on achieving your fitness goals! 

Fit Girl Magic Society is NOT for you if: 

❌ You are just looking for workouts ❌ You are looking for someone to hand you a meal plans ❌ Not willing to get uncomfortable by making changes ❌ Not ready to own your shit ❌ You are ready to stop stressing about being perfect. 

Fit Girl Magic Society IS you if you are:
💫 Done with the unsustainable fad diets that leave you feeling broken
💫 ready to stop coming up with excuses as to why you are not seeing the results you want to see
💫 tired of failing and want to be finally believe in yourself and get consistent with your diet and exercise. 

💫You ready to uncover your magic!  

Meet Your Host 

My name is Kim Barnes Jefferson and I live in Boston with my ride or die travel partner, Philip (my hubby). I love travel, coffee, journaling and working out.

I help women over 40 who feel like their bodies gave them the finger feel confident and comfortable in their bodies again.

My coaching comes with a side of real talk so that you are not left spinning your wheels.
I run my own online nutrition and lifestyle coaching business. I'm all about helping my clients to take simple actions and work my clients using my 5 Cs framework that helps them to build great habits, routines, consistency and ultimately results!  

I like to live in a world where all women feel comfortable and free in their bodies. Hanging around with me can cause some serious side effects like getting you to believe in yourself 🥰

Ready To Lose The Weight Without All The Overwhelm?

Monthly $149

*Monthly workouts
*Weekly virtual check ins
*(1) 15 min private call/month
*Monthly challenges
*Monthly group coaching calls
*Monthly recipes including meal plans and shopping list
*Daily support via Facebook group

Monthly $99

*Monthly workouts

*Weekly virtual check ins
*Monthly challenges
*Monthly group coaching calls

*Monthly recipes including meal plans and shopping list
*Daily support via Facebook group
